Zoë Sharp - Author of the Charlie Fox Series
Zoë Sharp - Author of the Charlie Fox Series of Crime Novels
Dark Liquid - Rainy Days
The blog of ruby hacker, caffeine-abuser and all-round geek: Dark Liquid.
BigSites.com - A Big List of Silly and Fun Websites
Links to the most fun, silly, and coolest sites on the Web.
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson - Official Site - Broadway
BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON - Official Site of the New Musical. Coming to Broadway September 2010! An audacious mix of historical fact and fiction that redefines America...
Scary-Movies.de | Horrorfilm Reviews | Horrorfilme Trailer | Hor...
Horrorfilm Reviews/ Kritiken, Trailer und News zu neuen Horrorfilmen und den besten und schlimmsten Horrorfilmen im Kino und auf DVD und BRD.

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