Mayville High School is a small, independent school situated clo...
Mayville High School Southsea is a small caring independent school for 1+ to
16 year olds. Boys and Girls are taught separately. Dyslexia and Able Child
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Printable Activities and Education Resources for Young Children...
Discover printable activities for children and kids online at iChild. iChild offers free educational resources and worksheets for children of all ages
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numu is the international educational resource for young people to connect, publish and share their original music.
EAUC - The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleg...
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the eauc is the sustainability champion for universities and colleges in the uk.
Great Days out for the whole family at Manor Farm
Family days out in East Midlands - lots of indoor and outdoor play areas, 100acres of woodland and nature trail, lake and delightful animals and owls
Nova Hreod College | Home
Welcome to Nova Hreod A note from the Head: Although we are still in the process of redesigning our website and will go live as soon as possible with our new format, it i...
David Gribble
David Gribble's writings about democratic education, children and society, children don't start wars and education for freedom. Being happy at school ...
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