Women Magazine : All about fashion, shopping, Jewelry, and Beaut...
It's telling stories about women interest, needs and their live. Talking about fashion, beauty, jewelry, dating.
Dark Liquid - Rainy Days
The blog of ruby hacker, caffeine-abuser and all-round geek: Dark Liquid.
Financially Digital - The Beat
Personal finance, tech, and social media blog. Spreading awareness to make people better consumers in real life and on the web.
Charles Bivona's poetry has appeared in Paterson Literary R...
Charles Bivona's poetry has appeared in Paterson Literary Review, Sensations Magazine, & the Newark Metro. He has also written articles for Cerebration.org, GetO...
How To Study Smarter - Get Better Grades In School Or College
Learn how to study smarter and get better grades with less effort
Andreas Spyrou Blog Shares Free Online Marketing Tips - Internet...
Helping newbie internet and affiliate marketers make money online with my free affiliate marketing tips and more..
Help In Marriage
The Help In Marriage website was designed to help you get the marriage you expect and desire. In this day and age marriages are hurting and we want to help couples restor...
Live your Art | Skinny Artist
Skinny Artist is a website dedicated to giving struggling artists all of the tools and resources necessary to market their work successfully. Skinny artist was created b...

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