1. IDebugControl::GetWindbgExtensionApis64 Method
The WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 structure returned by this method serves the same purpose as the one provided to the callback function WinDbgExtensionDllInit (used by WdbgExts extensions
2. WinDbgExtensionDllInit Callback Function
However, if you choose to use 32-bit pointers, the first parameter of WinDbgExtensionDllInit will have the type PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS instead of PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64.
3. Re: Platform Builder/debugger extension: ReadMemory crashes the ...
extern WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 ExtensionApis; ... works fine on my platform. ... is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling ...
4. Platform Builder/debugger extension: ReadMemory crashes the ...
In the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00\cepb\SDK \INCLUDE\wdbgexts_ce.h, ExtensionApis is defined as : extern WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 ExtensionApis; I ...
5. Сайты Саратова. Фирмы в Саратове ...
Сайт: http://apis64.ru Виды деятельности: Продукты питания, Розничная торговля, Красота здоровье медицина
6. SaYLon.Ru
... рецепты, традиции российского пчеловодства и современные научные технологии и изыскания. apis64.ru
7. Multiple BSP HowTo? in WindowsCE Platform Builder
. . . file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6. 00\cepb\ SDK \INCLUDE\wdbgexts_ce. h, ExtensionApis is defined as : extern WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 ExtensionApis . . .
8. Студия Дизайна no|pre|set / Портфолио ...
Адрес: http://apis64.ru. Разработка. Дизайнер: Пронюшкин Михаил Сделано: 30 ноября 2008 г. Заказать сайт
9. Re: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
Re: Platform Builder/debugger extension: ReadMemory crashes the extension... extern WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 ExtensionApis;... works fine on my platform.... is usually a result of ...