1. Sheryls Art Deco Emporium - Home Page
Features many antique collectibles including clocks, dishes, tables, lamps, jewelry, and furniture. UK location and contact information provided. Ships internationally.
2. Art Deco in the UK
Firstly, my apologies for the long delay in posting - work, moving etc have got in the way so haven't found the time to do so. Despite the title, this post isn't about an ...
3. Art Deco
Click image for 530 x 1064 size. Ilustração, No. 112, August 16 1930.
4. Art Deco | Art Nouveau
A huge range of art deco & art nouveau, jewellery and posters
5. Art Deco Ceramics and Glassware - Odeon Art Deco, UK
Art Deco Ceramics and 20th Century Glassware by Odeon Art Deco UK. Secure online sales of a wide range of pottery and glass by Shelley, Doulton, Poole, Myott, Shelley ...
6. Art Deco Lamps - artdecolamps.co.uk
Tiffany Style Handcrafted Art Deco... If vintage is your thing, you'll love this stylish Tiffany style table lamp with its Art Deco inspiration.
7. Art Deco Lamps UK - Great selection of Art Deco lamps and lighting ...
Art-Deco-Lamp.co.uk on-line retailer of Art Deco Lamps and Lighting including glass and tiffany designs.
8. Art Deco Mirrors | Art Deco Mirror | Overmantle Mirrors and ...
Choice Selection of Art Deco Style Design Mirrors. Overmantle Mirrors in Classic Silver and black, Fan Shaped, Glass on Glass Art Deco Mirrors
9. Art Deco - Antique Collector.uk.com
The Antique Collector, discovering Art Deco in the UK. A great place to find all that's finest in antiques and collectables, information, books, video, DVD's, auctions ...