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5. Information processing expert system for text analysis and ...
A method and system for text analysis provides that text messages perceived by a population can be scored to determine the extent to which the messages favor one or more specified ...
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7. Information processing analysis system for sorting and scoring ...
(d) The computer calculates B j (t) at t=(t P1 +Δt) from these B j (t-Δt), the R and T values calculated in the initial story retrieval step I-2, the G" j ' (t) calculated in step ...
8. Full text of "The history of England, during the reigns of the ...
Full text of "The history of England, during the reigns of the royal house of Stuart"
9. Full text of "Report and Transactions - The Devonshire Association ...
Full text of "Report and Transactions - The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature ..."
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