1. Brookite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brookite is a mineral consisting of titanium oxide, TiO 2, and hence identical with rutile and anatase in composition, but crystallizing in the orthorhombic system (see crystal structure).
2. Brookite: Brookite mineral information and data.
Brookite is one of the five forms of titanium dioxide found in nature.
3. brookite: Definition from Answers.com
brookite ( ) n. A mineral form of titanium dioxide, TiO 2 , having characteristic orthorhombic crystals and a red-brown to black color
4. BROOKITE (Titanium Oxide)
Brookite is a polymorph with two other minerals. The minerals rutile and anatase as well as brookite all have the same chemistry, TiO 2, but they have different structures.
5. Brookite Mineral Data
[Newest Minerals] [Analytical Services] [Mineral Gallery] See Also: [Diamond Crystals] [Mineral News] [Hudson Institute] [Minerals on CDROM]
6. brookite (mineral) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
brookite (mineral), one of three minerals composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2) (see also rutile; anatase). It typically occurs as brown, metallic crystals in veins in gneiss and ...
7. brookite - definition of brookite by the Free Online Dictionary ...
brook·ite (br k t) n. A mineral form of titanium dioxide, TiO 2, having characteristic orthorhombic crystals and a red-brown to black color. [After Henry James Brooke (1771 ...
8. Brookite - Metaphysical Directory: Detailed - Information About ...
Brookite - Metaphysical Directory: Detailed - These articles help to support our mission to promote the education and use of crystals to support healing.