1. Your Christmas Tree Has Seven Times More DNA Than You Do!
ScienceDaily (Dec. 21, 2009) — Take a close look at your Christmas tree -- it has seven times more genetic material (DNA) than you do! Why this is so is still ...
2. Why Onions Have More DNA Than You Do
The Harvard Gazette ... HARVARD GAZETTE ARCHIVES. Why Onions Have More DNA Than You Do . By William J. Cromie
3. Why do amoebae have more DNA than humans? - Yahoo! Answers
200 times it seems. Does that show that genes are overrated and play little to no role on the process of morphogenesis and a whole host of biological activities?
4. Multiple Choice Genetics Question: Some organisms contain much ...
Multiple Choice Genetics Question: Some organisms contain much larger amounts of DNA than apparently "needed"
5. Sunburn Alert: UVB Does More Damage To DNA Than UVA
As bombs burst in air this July 4, chances are that sunburn will be the red glare that most folks see -- and feel. But unfortunately, even when there is no burn, the ...
6. Answers.com - Do some fruits have more DNA than others and why
Fruits question: Do some fruits have more DNA than others and why? Some fruits DO have more DNA than others. This is because of the mass and the juice of the fruit.
7. NASA discovers new lifeform with totally different DNA than ...
NASA discovers new lifeform with totally different DNA than anything else Biology discussion
8. Portrait of a perfect murder
"Some people are more likely to deposit their DNA than other people. One person could pick up a bottle of water, put it down, you get a full profile.