1. dissans.com.ua
Budmet.com.ua, donerm.com.ua, acculab.com.ua, stil-k.com.ua, metizy-94.com.ua and at least four other hosts use this as a mail server under another name.
2. metizy-94.com.ua
Koncept.com.ua and donerm.com.ua share mail servers under another name with this domain. Hostmaster.metizy-94.com.ua and mail.metizy-94.com.ua are subdomains to this hostname.
3. Production of wire in Ukraine — Business Directory of Ukraine ...
(062) 3440479, (062) 3040876, (062) 3427230: Факс: (062) 3047988 . Електронна пошта:
[email protected]: Сайт: www.donerm.com.ua
4. A production of wares is from a wire in Ukraine — Business ...
(062) 3440479, (062) 3040876, (062) 3427230: Факс: (062) 3047988 . Електронна пошта:
[email protected]: Сайт: www.donerm.com.ua
5. Холодная обработка штамповкой или ...
(062) 3440479, (062) 3040876, (062) 3427230: Факс: (062) 3047988 . Электронная почта:
[email protected]: Сайт: www.donerm.com.ua
6. Производство изделий из проволоки в ...
(062) 3440479, (062) 3040876, (062) 3427230: Факс: (062) 3047988 . Электронная почта:
[email protected]: Сайт: www.donerm.com.ua
7. RE: Done rm-f
From: "Chris Mason" <masonc masonc com> To: <redhat-list redhat com> Subject: RE: Done rm-f; Date: Thu Nov 29 15:11:56 2001
8. Bug#481171: marked as done (RM: flashrom [arm ia64] -- ROM; ANAIS)
Bug#481171: marked as done (RM: flashrom [arm ia64] -- ROM; ANAIS) Debian Bug Tracking System Fri, 16 May 2008 15:09:59 -0700
9. Bug#533275: marked as done (RM: hping2 -- RoM, orphaned, obsolete ...
Bug#533275: marked as done (RM: hping2 -- RoM, orphaned, obsolete, superseded by hping3) Debian Bug Tracking System Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:09:41 -0700