1. The International Association of Universities (IAU) official Web site
IAU is the UNESCO-based World Association of Universities. Founded in 1950, it regroups more than 600 Members from approx. 120 different countries.
2. IAU Conferences - Upcoming IAU Events
IAU Conferences; Background: Upcoming IAU Events: Upcoming IAU sponsored meetings: General Conferences; Local and Global Needs, Utrecht 2008: Wealth of Diversity, Sao Paulo, 2004
3. The International Association of Universities (IAU) - Search IAU ...
HEDBIB is a database on higher education systems, administration, planning, policy, and evaluation. It has been maintained by the IAU since 1988 with contributions from UNESCO ...
4. The International Association of Universities (IAU) - Search IAU ...
La base de données bibliographique sur l’enseignement supérieur (HEDBIB) est une base de données sur les systèmes, l’administration, la planification, les politiques, l ...