1. Java Hosting with JVM Host
Java hosting has always been expensive and although hardware prices go constantly down over years you can still find most of the established Java hosting companies ...
2. Clojure - jvm_hosted
Hosted on the JVM Clojure is designed to be a hosted language, sharing the JVM type system, GC, threads etc. It compiles all functions to JVM bytecode.
3. Dynamic jndi-name in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
Is there a way to create dynamic (i.e. runtime) jndi-names for EJBs instead of (or in addition to) hard coding them in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file?
4. CEDev News Center
Cost Effective Development, CE Dev, CEDev, Open Source, Open Source development, osCommerce, VirtueMart, OpenERP, OpenBravo, SugarCRM, Salesforce.com, Moodle, Joomla ...
5. Integration with Erlang
General. Extension would be realized as Tuscany binding extension (both service and reference). JInterface ("The Jinterface Application is a java communication tool ...
6. CEDev News Center
Visitor: Long Ago » 3h 41m ago » www.whois.sc: 3h 40m ago » gemini.jvmhost.com: 3h 30m ago » 95-65-74-138.starnet.md
7. Discounted Java hosting - coupon codes inside - private/dedicated ...
Shared Hosting Offers ... JVMHost.com - Affordable and quality Java host for developer, enthusiast, small business and enterprise level websites. Xen based VPSes ...
8. Private Tomcat and JVM for your webapps - secure your instance by ...
Shared Hosting Offers ... Till end of November 2011 all Java package orders from Asian countries can receive 20% lifetime discount . Applying it to our already low ...