1. Matmi Games - Matmi New Media Ltd games games
for ITV Help Pekko the Polar Bear bounce his way across icebergs using his super-charged pogo stick. The further you go, the faster the icebergs flow and melt
2. Ikat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Thailand, the local ikat type of woven cloth is known as Matmi (also spelt 'Mudmee' or 'Mudmi'). Traditional Mudmi cloth was woven for daily use among the nobility.
3. Matmi
Age/Gender: 30, Male Location: Cheshire, UK Job: Multimedia Designers We love making games. If you want a game, just ask. Live, Love, Be...
4. YouTube - matmi's Channel
We make things. Digital things. Onine games, Iphone games, 3D animation and off the wall design. We hope you like ;)
5. Interesting and funny videos that make you laugh at work or at home
Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, Flash Games, Streaming Media