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4. Vohni Velykoho Mista // www.UMKA.com.ua
Vohni Velykoho Mista. Vony Kazhut'. Unusual music-poetic compact disc. Yuri Pokalchuk is reading own poems and poems of Garcia Lorka, Paul Eluard and others accompaniment by famous ...
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6. Vohni Velykoho Mista. Vony Kazhut'. // www.UMKA.com.ua
Unusual music-poetic compact disc. Writer and poet Yuri Pokalchuk and musicians Yurko Duda and Oleh (John) Suk found a project "Vohni Velykoho Mista" ("Lights of Big City").
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remix of a classic track ... this is actually kind of gud, im gunna record it and play it thru a propper stereo rekern
10. Mista Mista Lyrics - Fugees
Mista Mista Lyrics - Mista mista Can I get five dollars So I can get something to eat Hell no motherfucka You can't...