1. Mr Kustom - Chicago, IL, 60618 - Citysearch
Keep away from this shop!! by ALEXp at Citysearch. Avoid Mr Kustom by all means. I tried to get an alarm system and car started on my car and they fooled me and tried to cheat ...
2. MR KUSTOM, Chicago, IL : Reviews and maps - Yahoo! Local
MR KUSTOM, Chicago, IL : Reviews and maps - Yahoo! Local, 773.583.3770. Get Ratings, Reviews, Photos and more on Yahoo! Local.
3. A A A Mr Kustom - Irving Park - Chicago, IL
Category: Chicago, United States Automotive Auto Repair Auto Repair. 3708 W Irving Park Rd (between Lawndale Ave & Ridgeway Ave) Chicago, IL 60618 Neighborhood: Irving Park
4. Mr Kustom Chicago, IL, 60618 - YP.COM
Add or edit this business information. Hours Hours not available. Please contact Mr Kustom at (773) 583-3770. Neighborhoods Irving Park, Northwest Side
5. MR Kustom in Chicago, IL | 3708 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL
MR Kustom in Chicago, IL -- Map, Phone Number, Reviews, Photos and Video Profile for Chicago MR Kustom. MR Kustom appears in: Auto Customizing Conversion & Restoration
6. Mr Kustom - Chicago, Illinois (IL) | Company Profile
Mr Kustom company profile in Chicago, IL. Our free company profile report for Mr Kustom includes business information such as contact, sales and financial data.
7. Mr Kustom - 3708 W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL, 60618
Reviews and ratings of Mr Kustom at 3708 W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL, 60618. Get phone numbers, maps, directions and addresses for Mr Kustom.
8. Mr Kustom Chicago, IL, 60618 : User Reviews - YP.COM
They have horrible staff, expensive prices, and they will try to squeeze evey penny out of you.. trust me don't go here there are so many other BETTER shops in chicago.
9. Mr Kustom User Reviews - Chicago, IL 60618 - Citysearch
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