1. Oxygenate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxygenated chemical compounds contain oxygen as a part of their chemical structure. The term usually refers to oxygenated fuels. Oxygenates are usually employed as ...
2. oxygenate - definition of oxygenate by the Free Online Dictionary ...
ox·y·gen·ate (k s-j-n t) also ox·y·gen·ize (-j-n z) tr.v. ox·y·gen·at·ed also ox·y·gen·ized, ox·y·gen·at·ing also ox·y·gen·iz·ing, ox·y·gen ...
3. Oxygenate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...
Definition of OXYGENATE. transitive verb: to impregnate, combine, or supply (as blood) with oxygen — ox·y·gen·a·tion \ ˌ äk-si-jə-ˈ nā-shən, äk-ˌ si-jə ...
4. oxygenate: Definition from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A ...
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( ŏk ' sĭ-jə-nāt ' ) also ox·y·gen·ize ( -jə-nīz ' ) tr.v. , -at·ed , also -ized , -at·ing , -iz·ing , -ates ...
5. oxygenate - Definition of oxygenate at YourDictionary.com
transitive verb. to mix, treat, or combine with oxygen
6. oxygenate - definition of oxygenate in the Medical dictionary - by ...
oxygenate /ox·y·gen·ate/ (-jĕ-nāt) to saturate with oxygen. ox·y·gen·ate (k s-j-n t) or ox·y·gen·ize (-j-n z) v. To treat, combine, or infuse with oxygen.
7. Oxygenate | Define Oxygenate at Dictionary.com
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing. to treat, combine, or enrich with oxygen : to oxygenate the blood. Use oxygenate in a Sentence See images of oxygenate ...
8. What is oxygenate? definition and meaning
Ethanol, methanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and other such chemicals which increase the amount of oxygen in a gasoline blend to enhance its Octane rating and reduce ...
9. Definitions of oxygenate - OneLook Dictionary Search
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