1. Sarasota Bradenton International Airport SRQ
Information on airlines, general aviation, and employment opportunities.
2. www.classic-tv-shows.com
www.classic-tv-shows.com has one IP number (, which is the same as for classic-tv-shows.com, via cname, but the reverse is iddaabulteni.net. Softpa.com, iyiindir.com ...
3. Super Bowl XLIII - Air Traffic Control System Command Center
PCM - Plant City Airport (No tower; 20 mi E of TPA) LAL - Lakeland Linder Regional Airport (Tower; 27 mi E of TPA) SRQ - Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport (42 mi S of TPA)
4. Thailand-Lottery.Com
the-hotnews.com: 2010-11-12 03:43:41: 2: leadership-ezot.in: 2010-11-12 03:43:24: 1: ww-softpa.com: 2010-11-12 03:43:16: 1: sports-78910.org: 2010-11-12 03:43:15
5. Top sites for LNWServers
www.iyiindir.com---Linux: LiteSpeed: 7: iyiindir.com---Linux: LiteSpeed: 8: mp3eq.com---Linux: LiteSpeed: 9: www.softpa.com---Linux: LiteSpeed: 10: softpa.com---Linux
6. Panocha-Mexicana.Com
fpvcgtm.softpa.com: 2010-11-12 00:45:42: 1: pasta-machine-motors.net: 2010-11-12 00:45:39: 1: sabu-softpa.com: 2010-11-12 00:45:23: 1: tetex.com: 2010-11-12 00:45:07
7. classic-tv-shows.com
Siirci.net, iyiindir.com, vidocu.com, softpa.com, tr-arama.com and at least five other hosts point to the same IP and also shares name servers.
8. www.amini.com estimated worth and web stat from Cubestat
www.radiointernet.com.br. apple-7.weedns.com. www.show.softpa.com.cn. www.ravi-shankar.info. www.top10cashforgold.com