Stenopes, pinhole, camera obscura, stenope, sténopés, 0.2mm, photos
2. Pinhole Blender
Click on blender to see our full line of blending pinhole cameras that use film
Le photographe Guillaume Ribot présente son travail réalisé au sténopé.
4. pinhole camera by Zero Image, range from 135 to 4x5 format
pinhole cameras hand-made by Zero Image, range from 135 to 4x5 format, collectible items. Don't miss it!
5. Sténopé - Wikipédia
Un sténopé est un dispositif optique très simple permettant d'obtenir un appareil photographique dérivé de la camera obscura. Il s'agit d'un trou de très faible ...
6. Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day - Gallery
An international event to promote and celebrate the art of pinhole photography by encouraging people throughout the world to make a simple pinhole photograph and share ...
7. The Pinhole Gallery
International exhibits of Pinhole photography, from of hundresa of artists from around the world. A directory of web sites and resources related to pinhole photography ...
8. What is a Pinhole Camera? [pinhole.cz]
Probably the earliest depiction of the camera obscura, published in the book
9. Pinhole pictures, Films, Animations of Bethany de Forest
Photographs by Bethany de Forest. Information on the technique, gallery of her work, and links. [Dutch and English].