1. UK Stop the War Coalition
UK anti-war organisation. Provides news, articles, mailing lists, calendar of peace events, photos, and resources for groups and individuals.
2. Wandsworth Stop-the-War Coalition - Depleted Uranium
Compiled by Wandsworth Stop-the-War Coalition - first published January 2003 . Imagine if they started a nuclear war, and never even told you ... Under a smokescreen of ...
3. Wandsworth May-June
Stop the War Coalition ... "Progress" in Afghanistan: we're training Afghans to kill us. Obama and David Cameron say we're making "progress" in the war.
4. Southampton Stop War Coalition Events
24 January, 2008 . Power to the People! While we sit here and do nothing - the besieged people of Rafah have broken down the wall themselves
5. Wandsworth Stop The War Coalition
Upcoming Events We hold open planning meetings at 7.30pm on the third Tuesday of each month. Topical speakers frequently invited. All are welcome.
6. Southampton Stop War Coalition Links
Southampton based campaigns Make Poverty History: http://www.southamptonmakepovertyhistory.org.uk/ Friends of the Earth: http://www.southamptonfoe.org.uk/
7. Bradford Stop the War Coalition
Bradford Stop the War Coalition is a grouping of individuals and organisations who are united in their horror at the outbreak of a war that will kill thousands ...