Welcome to KICA, Inc. dba DomainCA.COM's WHOIS Service
(Acceptable use policy for WHOIS service of DomainCA.com)
WHOIS information of DomainCA.com is provided by the database of DomainCA.com.
We do not guarantee the accuracy about the purpose of providing information,
the purpose of obtaining identity information, and the records of the domain registration.
The requested WHOIS information is used only as a legitimate purpose,
is not used for any other purpose such as the following.
1) Commercial advertisement or solicitation mail/spam mail without the consent
2) Automation of mass information process by applying DomainCA.com or DomainCA service system
DomainCA reserves the right to add,
delete or modify any provision of this policy at any time without notice.
You have accepted and agreed to this policy by providing this information.
Domain Name: style7.com
Registrar: Korea Information Certificate Authority, Inc. dba DomainCA.com
Referral URL: http://www.DomainCA.com
Park kyoung Suk
WooSungVill Da-Dong 128-15
Cheongdam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul
Seoul, 135100
Administrative, Technical, Billing Contact:
Park kyoung Suk
WooSungVill Da-Dong 128-15
Cheongdam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul
Seoul, 135100
(TEL) +82.25153503, (FAX)