1. Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Established in 1992, WFD is an independent public body sponsored by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, from which it receives an annual grant-in-aid.
Event Services Company ... Home Team Building Event Packs Private & Education WFD-UK Contact WFD-UK
3. About - Drummerbuzz
This support site has been set up to carry our online store, client login area and enquiry forms. In addition we plan to have all the WFD-UK results posted here soon.
4. Cyba-X
Cyba-X a.k.a. Cybadrummer ... The web page you are looking for can be found at:
5. WFD Worlds Fastest Drummer Rankings
WFD UK Battle of the Feet ... Winner of the 1st Battle of the Feet competition - Mars Drummer's Night Out - 8/16 ...
6. The Joint Agencies Groundwater Directive Advisory Group
Further information on the work of JAGDAG, including the list of substances considered to be hazardous, can be found on the UKTAG website [ http://www.wfduk.org./jagdag/].
7. Diffuse Pollution Risk Assessment Summary
This was 1 http://www.ehsni.gov.uk/pubs/publications/RA_Impacts.pdf 2 http://www.wfduk.org/tag_guidance/Article_05/Folder.2004-02-16.5332/WP7a%2801%29 Draft Guidance on ...
8. Environment Agency - An introduction to the Water Framework Directive
introduces the water framework directive and explains how we will work to enhance the quality of water